Thursday, 6 November 2008

Roland Young

This month's "Share" on PPAPER is a talk of Pao and the professor of Art Center College of Design, Roland Young.

The following video is record from his teaching at the Orange County.

This is not a typical lesson for students that study in design, yet its fot the entire youth generation throughout the world.

Young's word is not very new to us, instead I would consider that he just spoke out that inner rage of ours. The problem about the youth generation's reckless caring to the society is a common phenonmenon, however, I consider that extremely obvious in Taiwan. The hidden anxiety may not only exists in our design but throughout the whole population.

"You dont look at the world! You dont care about the rest of the world"

Ask ten Taiwanese teens and I bet you get at least seven similar answers with, "Politics sucks","It's none of my business", "What did u say again?". Beside watching those chaos everyday, they would rather turn into entertaining shows which wont bring too much depressions.

"You promoted the war, now you want to get out of the war"

We may not be the cause of whats happening outside but that does not mean we should ignore it.
It is vital for us to come to an understanding of what goes around comes around, for everything originates from a circle and will end as a circle.
We may not be the cause but we definately will be effected by it.

Roland Young is an often lauded and very well respected member of the design faculty of Pasadena’s Art Center College of Art and Design.

for more writings on Roland Young's you can go to
1. 然風之碎碎念
2. Teaching Orange County
3. Experiencign a brutal Roland Young Crit
4 Mary Scott on Roland Young

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