Monday, 22 December 2008

Paris Je T'aime 巴黎我愛妳

"Paris Je t'aime 巴黎,我愛你" is a collective film made by a bunch of world-known directors and actors including Natalie Portman, Juilet Binoche etc.It's no surprising that this is another typical story praising about the beauty of the city. 

But besides all the good things, theres also quite some bad things to be seen. for example there's a clip tells of an American tourist who accidentally made a visual contact with a kissing lover. This instantly provokes the boyfriend and in the end gave the American kick in the ass. Other stories like there's an old couple which the husband is having an affair and planning to get a divorce with his wife, and in the end breaks up with her until realizing that the wife got a fatal disease. 

I think the definition of beauty comes in many ways. The shape of a outstanding model may be figure of perfection; but is the appearance of a abused prostitute also shares the same beauty? I think the answer is "yes". No matter good or bad, it all reveals the true beauty of Paris. 

I wonder when do we get to make a film about the story of Taipei. 

Paris maybe a place of history, of beauty, of modern but it was also built upon a past of corruption and obscenity. All great cities have walked difficult steps until reaching maturity. New York, London, Tokyo, Shanghai and etc. Taipei itself shares the same characteristics. We've been through political periods from colonization, the 228 incident, the martial law 戒嚴 to democracy. We have unique features like Taipei 101, Di-Hua street, the Shi-Lin night market, Tamshui, Jiou-Fen. We also have problems like bad traffics, disorganized streets and buildings, 
overabundant drug abuses. 

Taipei itself is a book of stories. 

I really do hope one day we could have our own , "
Taipei, Je'taime 台北,我愛妳

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


俗話說“Life is built up by a pack of Choices.”


















Monday, 15 December 2008

Dan in Real Life

Dan in Real Life整個結構上可以說是個typical的Hollywood愛情喜劇.一個擁有三個女兒但中年喪妻的作家老爸 Dan Burns (Steve Carell) ,
在一個巧合下遇見了生命中的另一春,Marie (Juliette Binoche)本來是一場很美麗的邂逅卻事後發現原來Marie竟然是Dan的弟弟新交的女友.........  

當初會選擇這部片除了因為Steve Carell之外,其次當然就是我最愛的Juliette Binoche 也在裡面囉!! 一位是極富喜劇細胞的好萊屋笑匠,一位是頭手舉止都散發出高貴典雅的法國氣質女星.這樣的組合的確勾起了我很大的好奇心.

Dan是個報社的專欄作家,專門為人解決各式樣的疑難雜症,但在現實生活裡卻頻頻與自己的女兒起衝突. 因此當知道Marie竟然是弟弟的女友後,儘管心中充滿 著矛盾,但卻遲遲無法勇敢去追求.而這種情節剛好跟Dan的女兒, 
Cara有著強烈的相互對映.Cara是個正處於叛逆期的少女,有個認識不到三天就交往的男友. 兩人的關係一再被身為父親的Dan否定.Dan無法接受愛情是可以在短短幾天就形成的東西,卻同時無法承認自己跟Marie的關係就是如此. 
Love is not a feeling, it's an ability 
雖然我並不是很認同,我寧可把它當成Love is NOT ONLY a feeling, 這樣感覺比較貼切. 愛僅可以是種感覺呢?如果不是種能力,是種動力,那麼愛究竟什麼時候才會被發現呢? 三角關係發生在自己家裡,其實那也挺不可思議的....
在外國人看來可能是場笑話,但若這樣的事情發生在台灣人的家庭裡,那一定又是另外一齣 台灣的什麼驚世媳婦系列的吧?!